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Canvas Photo Prints


Decorating the wall above the sofa, in the bedroom or along the hallway used to mean going to your local art store. There you searched their stock to find a good quality reproduction that fit your budget. All too often, you were faced with limited choices since using one of your own photos was too expensive. With your budget not large enough to get what you really wanted, customers either resigned themselves to picking something they didn’t really want or not make a choice at all. Today, all that has changed thanks to Miracle Canvas.

Miracle Canvas is a web based company that creates large canvas reproductions at a low, affordable cost. With over 14 million images of paintings and photos in our database, you can search through an incredible variety of categories to find what you want. Furthermore, if you have a good quality image, you can use that as well to create a large, unique photo canvas prints for your home.

Photo Canvas Print

Imagine having a high quality photo canvas printing on your wall that perfectly compliments your living room, bedroom, hallways or any wall your home. Plus, using the unique configurator on our website, you can break up a single image into three, four and even more separate canvas prints to create a stunning, almost 3D like appearance to the image.

Because you can divide a single image into several sections, you can create canvas prints from photos that are cool, modern and very eye catching. Turn your living room wall into a work of art with Miracle Canvas and our unique, beautiful photo canvas printing process. Using high quality materials, sound workmanship and fast service, you will have the finished product created and delivered to your home in two weeks or less depending on the order.

Here’s how it works

You start by visiting the Miracle Canvas website and viewing our collection of millions of photos. Separated into different catalogues, this search is made far easier than it initially sounds as you can quickly visit the right topic and choose from the myriad of selections that Miracle Canvas has to offer. From famous paintings to cityscapes to unique, original images, you will have over 14 million choices separated into categories that make selection a breeze.

Photo Canvas Print


Also, you can upload your own images, creating canvas prints from photos in your own collection. This is the perfect choice for families who want their portraits, special events in their lives and other, priceless images for their walls. Miracle Canvas recommends that the image you upload be one of good quality with the subjects or items in the photograph in good focus, clean and as free of imperfections as possible. Family portraits and studio photographs are generally ideal, but any good, clear photo or image will work.

Size does matter

Next, you’ll want to select the size of the image you have ordered. Since the image will be sized to your specifications, you can take exact measurements of the wall area you want the canvas image to hang and put those specifications into the ordering center. You will not have to settle for specific sizes that are offered as you can choose the exact size yourself.

Create and order your photo canvas prints

Now that you have made your choice or uploaded the photo you want, the next step is using the powerful configurator to separate the image into two, three or more parts. You can keep the image whole as one single, large canvas image if you wish which is especially good for small or medium size orders. A single, large canvas print will tend to droop over time as gravity slowly works to pull down on the canvas. This is true of all large canvas prints, paintings and the like that have been created. The canvas that is used by Miracle Canvas is of very high quality, robust and clean. But even so, over time a large canvas print will need additional work to keep it tight on the frame.

However, smaller canvas frames can stay tight for many years since there is less material for gravity to affect. This is where the configurator comes into play as you can separate a large image into smaller sections of multi panel canvas prints to create a wide variety of effects. Consider a cityscape separated into three, four or more images in your living room, bedroom or den for example.

A multi-panel image creates the illusion of 3 dimensions, as if you are peering at the image through a window for example. Plus, you can use the separate canvas panels to take up more room on your wall, giving greater size to the overall image that you have chosen or uploaded. This means that you can take up more wall space, yet still have the powerful illusion of a single image. The configurator is simple to use and easy to create unique combinations of different size sections to form a complete image.

Ordering and delivery

Once you have selected or uploaded the image, chosen the overall size and, if you desire, separated into two or more sections with the configurator. The final step is placing your order on the website. The entire website is designed for easy, intuiting navigation which means that the entire process from start to finish can take only a few minutes.

Your order has been received and in the next six working days professional, highly trained artisans will duplicate the image selected onto the canvas sizes you have chosen. Using only the best canvas, wood frame and metal fasteners, the image is then printed either as a single canvas or into sections depending on your order. The entire production stage consists of:

1. Printing the image on the canvas
2. Stretching the canvas onto the frame or frames

The pigments used to create the image are environmentally friendly and of very high quality. The canvas itself is created from cotton and is perfectly suited for holding large images. There is no smell of any paint or solvents once the process is completed. The frame will have fasteners holding the canvas tightly and D rings for you to mount the frame on your wall.

When completed, the order will be shipped out to your location usually within two weeks from the time you first ordered the product. If you have any questions, the friendly, courteous staff at Miracle Canvas will gladly answer your questions promptly.


Miracle Canvas is the photo canvas printing experts, you owe it to yourself to choose from the millions of images in our catalogue or one of your own and have a modern, cool canvas image resting on the wall of your living room, bedroom, den or any room in the home.